23 Aralık 2015 Çarşamba

Easy Baklava and Pacanga Boregi (Borek with Pastrami)

The Academy's pastry course continues to attract a lot of attention!

Here are the latest recipes:

Pacanga Boregi

2 cups of yogurt
1 egg
Enough flour (3-4 cups should be enough)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 pack of sliced pastrami

*In a container, put 2 cups of yogurt and an egg and mix them.
*Then, add enough flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking powder, get a soft dough. Let it rest for 20 minutes.
*Pick small pieces, spread them, slice them like a strip, and put the sliced bacon on the strip sliced-doughs
*Fry them in an oiled pan or pot.

Easy Baklava
1 package of #4 fillo dough (yufka).
3 cups crushed-walnut
1 cup oil
200 gr butter

For the syrup:
3 cups of sugar
4 cups of water
2-3 drops of lemon juice

*Boil the 3 cups of sugar, 4 cups of water and 2-3 drops of lemon juice together for 10 minutes.
*After boiling, put it aside to cool it down.
*Oil a baking tray. Spread three of all yufkas in it. Spill some crushed-walnut on the yufkas.
*Keep doing the same process until the yufkas ran out.
*Slice them as a square, pour some melted oil and cook them at 350 F.
*After the cooking process wait for 5 minutes, pour the syrup on top.

9 Aralık 2015 Çarşamba

A Kitchen Full of Joy!

Embassy Academy's pastry classes continue to attract great attention. 

This week we had the home version of a very well-known Turkish street food "simit".

And a traditional Turkish desert, helva.

Here are the recipes:


1 cup of oil
1 teaspoon of salt
1.5 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of yeast
2 cups of warm water
Grape molasses


*In a deep container, add some warm water, 1 tablespoon yeast and 1.5 coffeespoon sugar and mix them together *Let it fermente for 10 minutes *Mix the remaining ingredients (first add liquid ones) and get a soft dough *Let the dough fermante for 20 minutes *Give the dough a “simit” shape *Dilute the boiled grape juice with water *Dip the simits into the boiled grape juice mixture and sesame *Cook the simits in a oven at 375 F


4 cups of flour
1 cup of crushed-walnut
2 cups of oil
For the syrup:
3 cups of sugar
3 cups of water

*Fry the oil
*Then add 4 cups of flour and roast it
*Add 1 cup crushed-walnut and keep roasting *In a different container, add 3 cups of water and 3 cups of sugar and mix them together *After you get the syrup, add it above the halva

7 Aralık 2015 Pazartesi

Turkish Cuisine Classes Started

Long anticipated Turkish Cuisine classes started last Friday with 5 fabulous dishes.

Our master-chef Muge Oruc shared some of her culinary secrets with the participants.

It was "A feast to all your senses"

Here are the recipes..

It is still not too late to register to our courses! Next Turkish Cuisine class will be on 14 December 2015. 

25 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba


Due to an unforeseen change in the instructor's schedule, the Turkish Cuisine classes will start on December 4, 2015 and continue on a biweekly basis.

19 Kasım 2015 Perşembe

Turkish Language Course Started

Türkçe Dersine Hoşgeldiniz :)
(Welcome to the Turkish Language Course)

The Academy's Turkish language course started yesterday with a lesson on how to introduce yourself in Turkish. Merhaba, benim adım .. . (Hello, my name is..)

The students seemed to enjoy the class! We still have place for newcomers, just send an email to contact@turkishembassy.org to register..

17 Kasım 2015 Salı

A Sweet Kickstart from the Academy

Embassy Academy started yesterday evening. Participants were delighted to learn how to cook a wonderful Turkish dessert called "Kalburabastı" from masterful chief Sukran Battal. You can find the recipe below . Enjoy responsibly :)


1. 250 gr. butter or margarine (room temperature)
2. 1 tablespoon yogurt
3. 1 tablespoon olive oil
4. 3,5 cups of flour
5. 1 egg
6. 1 package of baking powder (or 1 coffeespoon)
7. 1 package vanilla (or 1 coffeespoon)
8. 1 pinch of salt
For the inside of it:
1. 1,5 cups of crushed walnuts
2. 1 teaspoon cinnamon
3. 1 coffeespoon butter
For making the syrup:
1. 4 cups of sugar
2. 4,5 cups of water
3. 1 tablespoon lemon juice
*First, mix the butter with the flour. Then add the egg, yogurt, olive oil, vanilla and bakin powder. Then knead the dough. After you knead it, you should get a ductile dough. Then put it aside, cover it with a moist cloth, and let it rest. 
*Flavor the 1 coffeespoon spreaded butter with crushed walnut in a prepared pan. Get the mixture back from the cooking stove and add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Put it aside. 
*Pick off some walnut-sized pieces from the ductile dough, spread them then add 1 teaspoon of the walnut mixture to inside of the each dough pieces.
*Oil a baking tray. Put the walnut-sized pieces in it and in a preheated oven, cook it 20-25 minutes in 350F. 

*Boil the syrup and when it become close to condense add the lemon juice. Boil it 5 minutes more and leave it aside to cool it down.
*Combine our dessert with cool syrup in a bowl.